Thursday, February 01, 2007

Missing again...

the 3rd post of the day... a record for me!!! maybe i'm too free and bored in my room. or maybe this is one channel to vent my anger and frustration.

for the second time, i lost my food that were kept in the fridge. i used to think that the cleaners might have thrown them away when they were cleaning the fridge. but no, this time it is different. other food stuff are still in the freezer compartment except for mine. my food was stored in a container and wrapped in the plastic bag. it was no where to be seen when i went to retrieve it from the fridge yesterday. i have another can of 100 Plus and a packet of Milo in the fridge as well but they are all safe and sound. just made me wonder what kind of sicko is that to have taken my cooked food! although i have lodged a complaint with Vincent, he can't really do anything about it. i suggested installing cctv in the kitchen so that whoever that "takes" from the fridge or messes up the kitchen can be caught! either my food is now in the dumpster or in someone's stomach!

i was really pissed off that i wanted to whack someone or something at that moment. finally, got to play squash with my coursemate at night to have a good whacking, on the poor squash ball of course!
i couldn't care much about my foot anymore as a plaster should do the trick. we played table tennis as well. i was surprised when a number of my coursemates also showed up in the sports complex. some of them are not that active in sports so it is a rare occasion that they all turned up. we had a great night playing table tennis and squash together. too bad i left my camera in my room!

we left around 11pm. i was really tired by then but enjoyed myself thoroughly. when i removed the plaster, the wound has discharged some fluid. i guess it hasn't healed properly and i might have to nurture it carefully so that it will dry up by next week, when the squash training resumes. can't hardly wait...

finally, don't ever let me find out who you are... or i'll whack you from head to toe! MARK MY WORDS!!!


At February 02, 2007 2:53 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor girl.. you know what i don't trust the fridge.. I somehow believe the fridge is unsafe..for some reason.. If you got your own mini fridge that could be great idea to have it n your room. CCTV I don't think it is feasible to be put. Well maybe you got overreacted for that time when asking for CCTV. Oh yaa the cooked food, just serve the lazy bump right when they just got to heat up the food to eat. Maybe that is the reason why they take your food.

CCTV is only feasible when they is increment of stolen food.


At February 02, 2007 9:51 am, Blogger buster_t said...

a mini bar won't work for me as i need to store food in the freezer. anyway, i was a bit over the top when i went to complain. i know very well he couldn't do anything. they just stick a notice when the microwave went missing last time!

for the mean time, i just need to bear with it for another 3-4 months. hope i'll be surviving until then!

At February 03, 2007 12:27 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck for the next food storage..

Those are really bastard!!

Anyway I know how is the feeling of it. People around me have been loosing valuables. Sad to say...


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