Tuesday, October 03, 2006

back from Shanghai...

well, seems that i haven't blog for quite some time already... the lazy worm has been biting me all this while & i hope that this blog can be kept alive in future :p

came back from shanghai, or more specificly Jiangnan, last friday. the trip was fun but there's no place like home! i got sunburnt when i was at the Lingshan Buddha, Wuxi, snapping photos of a performance. it was quite worth it but my body has now 2 obvious colours... enjoyed the food there although some were a little too salty & oily. my favourite pick remains the infamous Wuxi Porkrib. seeing that i mentioned Wuxi twice already, that city gave me quite some impression. moreover, the local guide from Wuxi is quite pretty & resembles Gong Li! haha...

talking about beauties, Suzhou used to be a place famous on this aspect. however, just like what my friend Eddie told me, i can hardly spot a pretty lass on the street! how dissapointed... the china guide told us that most beautiful ladies have moved to other cities to work etc. the new place to see pretty girls would now be Chongqing & Dalian (origin of many chinese models)!

meanwhile, Nanjing is a historical city being a capital of numerous government/dynasty in the past. i just loved listening to all sorts of interesting stories told by the guide. anyone who has heard of the famous Nanjing massacre should be aware of this event. too bad the museum was under renovation & i couldn't dig deeper into the facts & pictures! sigh...

my favourite city of all would be Hangzhou. the West Lake & stories of many well-known people in the past are closely related to this romantic city. the Dongpo meat is another scrumptious cuisine (minus the fat!). this city is also the origin of Longjing tea, which is equivalent to green tea. it taste good but costs dear.

shanghai comes last on my list. it is a well developed city, more developed than KL i should say. u can see sky-scrappers everywhere in Pudong or even the old town in Puxi. nonetheless, i think it doesn't have much chinese cultural influences anymore. the most scenic place one must not miss would be the Bund. the old style british buildings along Huangpu river really stand out especially at night. seeing the Oriental pearl Tower across the river with the night view is truely captivating...

not forgetting to mention that books in china are really CHEAP! a hardcover book may only cost us around RM10... unbelievable?! haha... due to constraints in luggage, i only bought 2 books, which are already heavy enough FYI.

trips to china has always been fun. china is so big that you can only travel to 1-2 provinces at a time in order to visit the POIs. some of the places are given a go since time is limited! to date, i've only visited the province of Yunnan, Guangxi, Jiangsu & Zhejiang. my next destination will hopefully be to Beijing (Forbidden City & Great Wall), Xian (Terra-cotta) & Hongkong (the food & shopping paradise). :-)


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